Monday, December 15, 2008

Update in pictures

Since it's been a while since I last posted, I figured I'd have pictures of Santiago fill up this post.

Super excited and showing off his 7 teeth! He's been stuck at lucky #7 since early fall. When, oh when, will new teeth come in?

Playing outside in the fresh snow. He loves it and throws a fit when it's time to come in!

Looking cute in his Packer jersey, but with the wrong type of ball!

A shot in front of the Christmas tree. We had to go basic on the tree this year as Mr. Sticky Fingers isn't to be trusted...

This is from when we were trying to get a good picture of him for Christmas cards. Since I'm a bad mom and forgot plan for professional pictures to be taken, I relied on good, old fashioned hard work - and an airplane ride.

It was at this point that I realized he could care less if I got a good picture for the cards...

This is Santi watching his dad plow the driveway. He watches the entire time and waves at him almost constantly. Can you say "Daddy's Boy?"

These are in no particular order, mainly because I'm not very good at using Blogger yet. So, here's the Cheese Face in front of the Christmas tree.

SA is into walking around with any sort of bucket on his head. As long as he has a captive audience, that is.

This is what is known as "The Snarl." This is the look that is thrown at you if you tell him "No" to anything. He crinkles up his nose like this about three times in a row while glaring at you (usually out of the corner of his eye). The best part??? When his dad tells him no, I am still the one that gets the dirty look. Explain that.

And this is a preview of the next post. Get your typing gloves out as it's going to be interactive, so I know if anyone is actually reading this crap. I'm working on finally finishing Santiago's room (which was supposed to be done before his first birthday party - can you tell I procrastinate?) and need some feedback. I painted these letters painstakingly over weeks, and spent waaaaay too much time on them. The reason? I am not artistic. Really. I'm not. But I got this idea in my head while in Colombia and was determined to do them myself. It made me remember why I am willing to pay creative people to do what they do best.

Santiago has been great the last few weeks. Prior to that we were going through a challenging phase, and I'm glad we've moved past it. It was a time when "No" suddenly changed meaning to "I dare you." Everyone with kids I'm sure knows that type of stage.
Our angel of a daycare provider asked all of the kids to spend the night this past Saturday for a Christmas party, which meant we had a free babysitter for the night! We took advantage by going to dinner with friends, but went home at a decent hour due to the weather. But the ability to sleep in the next morning was the best early Christmas gift I could have gotten... :)
Hope everyone is having a great holiday season!

1 comment:

Maria said...


That is so funny about the "7 teeth" Boston was stuck with the exact same 7 teeth as Santi for about 4 months...lucky number 8 just came in so he at least "matches" top to bottom! ha ha!