Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is our first anniversary as a family. Our first “Gotcha Day.” Or “Family Day.” It’s a big day for us.

Here are some pics of SA when we went for our overnight celebration. To make it short - He hates. HATES. hates. indoor water parks. We luckily got the jacuzzi suite so he had fun in that. Besides that it was hell and I'd rather not talk about it.
Yet he's still adorable in a swimsuit and Crocks.Here are a couple pics of tonight, our actual anniversary. Even though I am the most unorganized of mom's ever, I luckily had the camera in my purse for dinner out at Mexico Lindo tonight (our favorite place with our favorite staff). Here he is making his usual cheesy faces.
This isn't a pretty one. He looks rather psycho. But I swear he was just excited for the salsa. I swear.
This is the more usual "cheese face." He can't stand to see a camera without doing this face. Doesn't he look like a toddler. I refuse to face the fact he's growing up. REFUSE.

Wearing Papa's sunglasses and IGNORE the piles of dirty laundry behind me. Honestly, ignore it. Cuz his Mama can. Waaaaaaayyyyyy tooooooooo easily.

This has been the most wonderful year of my life. I’ll be honest and say that I didn’t always think that I was cut out for this job. I really did. But he is an amazing child (as I’m sure all people think that, but I SWEAR he is J). And not that I'm a great parent, but great kids have a way of making you survive....and I am ever grateful for that!
To my dearest husband - who could have ever thought we'd make it through a date, much less over 8 years together. Thank you for believing in me and having an endless reservoir of patience. You are what makes us tick as a family.
To my child - Wow, where to begin. You are funny. And too damn smart. We love you so much that we have no idea how to discipline you. You make me question myself constantly and I love you for it. You can already give me looks that clearly show "You have no idea what you're doing" yet will follow it up with a "I love you and need you" look that saves me. I would have no idea how to be a parent without you showing me how. All of that is such a paradox that only a parent could understand.
Santiago, I love you and am blessed to be your parent. I know your birthmom misses you and I thank her every. single. day. for the sacrifice she made. I promise to do my best to raise you as abnormally as possible and love you as much as possible so you can find your way in life.
I can assure you, Santiago, that your parents love you to an absurd level. And we always will.
Kate & Ryan