Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nursery, Finally....

I know you'd rather see pics of the boy, but I'm without a camera cord and a good friend has been asking for nursery pics. And since she's going to have a baby girl in a few months, I must oblige!
Most of these are from a while ago and I've done a bit more work, but have to finish putting stuff on the wall. So where there is open white space on the walls, it'll shortly be filled with other stuff. Here they are:

Some pictures are now between the S-A-N-T-I-A-G-O and the monkeys.

The curtains I sewed. And yes, I did sew them!!! With someone else telling me what to do, of course.

The Andy Warhol picture. I love it.

The changing table my dad made. It's beautiful! And you can see some of the dresser handles on the left. They're monkeys, zebras, tigers and hippos.

Elephant hamper used to hold extra blankets.

Crib, obviously. Will be turning into a toddler bed shortly, with a siderail.

These were post cards that I got at the Botero museum in Bogota (famous Colombian artist). They'll go up on the same wall as the Warhol poster.

The Snake, Ants, and Nest...

Tree, Iguana, and Ants....

Giraffe and Ocean. Tree and Nest were definitely the worst, but they're done, so I don't care!

And that's the nusery in a nutshell. We did most of it when we didn't know what gender our referral would be, so we went neutral. We did the nursery for very cheap, getting the bookshelf and dresser at an auction and painting it, my dad made the awesome changing table (love you, Dad!), and we got the crib on sale. The rocking chair was Ryan's grandfather's which we repainted and had the cushions recovered. I love it and it's nice to have parts of our families in there, as well!

I had my first full weekend away from both hubby and child last weekend.....and it was AWESOME!!! Got to hang out in the big city all weekend and eat at fancy restaurants, drink wine with my best friends, and....well, I'd like to say sleep in, but unfortunately Santi changed my internal clock so there wasn't much of that. While of course it was fun to get home to my boyz (I'm trying out the slang - does it fit?), it was refreshing to get away for a bit. I'm taking SA to visit the fam this weekend, then we have my best friends and their families coming up this month, so it'll be packed full of fun!
Santi's vocabulary is incredible these days and he's putting two and three words together frequently. It's so nice to be able to have a simple conversation with him! While of course we still don't always see eye-to-eye on things (I still haven't caught on to the idea of a banana-only dinner, and he's not pleased), it's still mostly positive. ;) He loves hitting anything with a wooden spoon (like hockey on the carpet) and reading books, as usual. He's got lots of SASS and still refuses to let anyone by Ryan or I touch him other than at daycare. When we're away for more than 5 minutes he's fine, but otherwise you better watch out. He's a riot and loves to dance, point out buses on the road, and bumping fists.
OK, I'll get back on with pics of the cuteness next week! Hope everyone else is as excited for summer as I am!