Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Brief update

I know I need to do a post all about this summer and what SA is up to these days, but I don't have time for all of that at the moment! I did want to get some pictures up for my mom! So here they are in no particular order:

This is Santiago under the table while out to eat a restaurant. He often ends up here, and since he isn't disturbing the other patrons while there, I let him stay.

This is also the exasburated look that I get whenever I ask him to do anything. ANYTHING.

This is Santiago wearing his monkey costume during the Camping Halloween weekend. The bribe of chocolate worked for approximately 23 seconds. Then the hood was off.

Fake smile picture. He feels if he shows all his teeth it's the equivalent of a smile.

This is the boy on Halloween night. He was basically without a nap and with an extreme hatred toward costumes, we were in for a fight. This is honestly the best picture we got of him that day.

Modeling the sassy look on the 4-wheeler this week. He and his father have been raking almost nightly...and the yard is about 1/2 done. Seriously need to consider chopping down some of these trees! Or hire a hot, young gardener to take care of it. ;)

This past weekend we stayed with our good friends Emily & Cory and their daughter, Jordan. She is not yet 2 and is bigger than SA! I think he was intimidated, as shown in the photos below.

Trying to get Santi to hug Jordan when we were saying our goodbyes. Yes, she was crouching down to be at his eye-level. Notice SA's father urging him to take the affection of the adorable girl in the pink!

Trying to get him a little bit closer...and Jordan is bracing herself.

Jordan is starting to become unsure of this whole situation. I think she was starting to get the hint that he wasn't comfortable with her entering his bubble of personal space.

But wait! Santi finally makes his signature move! The classic peeking-out-from-my-dad's-legs!

And Jordan comes in for the kiss!

Jordan is doing a little dance here to celebrate her conquest. Mental note to keep these two far apart during the teenage years.

I'll post again soon with info from the summer and brace yourself for news of the potty-kind!

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